We deliver high quality and cost efficient consultancy services in relation to the negotiation and preparation of international oil and gas contracts, corporate debt financing, joint ventures and corporate setups in USA, Middle East, Africa and Europe throughout our network of boutique law firms.
Brightiom LegAlitIcs is responsible for providing, promoting, developing and implementing business and artificial intelligence solutions for legal and finance professionals in various industries with key focus on energy sector.
Brightiom Mentor provides unique, innovative and enriching e-learning experience for lawyers, in-house counsels from all business backgrounds. It provides state-of-art legal & business learning experience that combines mentoring with business thinking to help lawyers and in-house counsels deliver their legal performance with business excellence.
Brightiom LegAlitIcs is created to provide a new concept of legal automation that attempts to automate the review of legal risk in a specific industry so that the risk is managed in a time and cost effective manner